Webroot Backup & Sync for iOS - Help

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Viewing synchronized files from other devices

With Backup & Sync, you can access files stored in shared folders from computers with SecureAnywhere installed.

To view files:

  1. Access the Files panel (tap Files file from the tab bar).
    The Anywhere folder and a list of devices in your SecureAnywhere account appear under Remote Containers.
  2. Tap the name of the device or folder you want to access.
    The next panel shows the synchronized folders or files.
  3. To view the files in a folder, tap the folder name folder.
    To view a file, tap the file name. (You can also tap the Detail button arrow and then tap View File.)
    Note: Your mobile device must be able to view the specific file type. If necessary, download a viewing or editing app.
  4. If you want to view the file while your mobile device is offline, see Downloading files to your mobile device.


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