Webroot Backup & Sync for iOS - Help

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Downloading files to your mobile device

Using Backup & Sync, you can download files and photos from your online account to your mobile device. This is helpful if you want to access synchronized files when your mobile device is offline.

To download files:

  1. Access the Files panel (tap Files filefrom the tab bar).
    The Anywhere folder and a list of devices in your Webroot account appear under Remote Containers.
  2. Tap the name of the device or folder you want to access.
    The next panel shows the synchronized folders and files on that device.
  3. To download all files in that folder:
    • Tap the Detail button arrow.
    • Tap Sync to Device to start the download.
  4. To download individual folders or files:
    • If desired, access individual files by tapping the folder name folder.
    • In either the Folders or Files panel, tap the Action button go.
    • In the Action sheet, tap Select Items.
    • Tap the individual folders or files so that a checkmark appears checkmark.
    • At the bottom of the panel, tap the green Sync button to start the download.
  5. To check the status of the transfer, tap Downloads downloads from the tab bar. If you need to cancel the download, tap the Action button go, then tap Cancel Pending Downloads.

    Note: To view downloaded files, open the Files panel and tap your device name (under Local Device).


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