Call & SMS Blocking allows you to filter calls and text messages from undesirable or unknown sources. (SMS, or Short Message Service, is the text communication service used for your mobile device.) Once you enter a phone number into the blocked list, calls from that
number are sent directly to voicemail and text messages are simply blocked. If it blocks a call or text, SecureAnywhere Mobile displays a notification.
Note: The Call & SMS Blocking feature is not available on tablets without phone capabilities.
For some added control over incoming calls and texts, Call & SMS Blocking includes these additional settings:
- Block Unidentified Numbers. Calls from unknown contacts are sent directly to voicemail. Texts from unknown contacts are blocked.
- Block Malicious SMS. Text messages that include a link to a malicious website are always blocked, even if the sender is a legitimate contact. Malicious websites might have viruses, malware, or phishing methods. If a text message includes a link to a suspicious website (one that could not be classified as malicious, but may contain threats), it allows the text to be received. If you click on the link, a yellow warning appears and allows you to decide if you want to proceed.
To disable or enable Call & SMS Blocking features:
- From the main SecureAnywhere Mobile panel, tap Identity & Privacy from the bottom.
- Tap Call & SMS Blocking
An ON button displays next to each feature if it is turned on.
- Tap the button to turn the feature on or off.
To create a Blocked list:
- From the Call & SMS Blocking panel, tap Blocked Numbers at the bottom.
The panel displays any numbers you previously entered in the Blocked list.
- To add a number or a short code that you want blocked, select the Menu button on your mobile device, then tap one of these options:
- Add Number
- Pick from Contacts
- Pick from Call Log
- Pick from Text Messages
- When you enter a number, make sure it includes all 10 digits (with the area code).
Once you place a number in the Blocked List, calls from that number are sent directly to voicemail. Text messages are simply blocked. SecureAnywhere Mobile displays a message about the blocked call in the Notification bar at the top of your device. You can tap the message to get more information about the blocked message.
- If you want to view a log of all the calls and texts you have previously blocked, return to the Call & SMS Blocking panel and tap Block Log.